Sunday, July 24, 2011

some Goftagroup Beneficiarries

Friday, July 8, 2011

co-operative Wikipedia

Have you read the co-operative Wikipedia today? click this link

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Edo Farmers Cry For Help

Edo State in located the rain forest geographical belt this empowers the natural endowment of rich vegetation, which has made the state a food basket for the nation. Edo state has a rich soil and favorable climate, which helps in the production conditions for the farmers of the state. Agriculturists say, Edo is a all year round farming environment. And its good for an all- cultivation of a wide variety of food and cash crops.

Agricultural economists also add that, the state, being a gateway to the eastern, western and northern parts of Nigeria, has leverage for the good marketing of agricultural products.
Products such as pineapple, maize, pawpaw, cassava, banana, cocoa, rubber, rice, yam and plantain are among the items cultivated in all the senatorial districts of Edo state. Gov Adams Oshiomhole had raised the hope of Edo farmers in his 2009 budget speech, when he said that his administration will give the agricultural sector top priority.

A major program he promised will be funded for the sector is the replanting of Urhonigbe rubber plantation. Above all, “we will encourage and collaborate with private investors in the area of large-scale mechanized agriculture, through the provision of land and counterpart funding where necessary,” he promised.
The state’s Commissioner for Agriculture, Dr. Tunde Lakoju had also promised that the state would approach the development of the sector in a way that will create employment opportunities, boost food production and enhance revenue generation.
One year after, many Edo farmers, whose hopes had been raised, have begun to ask questions that beg for answers.

“So far, we are not seeing anything or hearing anything from the government. They have kept mute over everything concerning agriculture. This is where our worries begin,” laments a farmer, Izebigie Ojo.
John Oziegbe, another farmer, says that they are contending with problems such as lack of fertilisers, non-access to loans, low budget allocation to agriculture and non-payment of counterpart funds by the state government.
“All these have put us in a disadvantaged position as farmers in the state. We foresee a sharp decrease in our harvests this year and this will impact negatively on our income, aside from the likely food crisis,” he says.

The Chairman of the Edo All-Farmers’ Association of Nigeria (AFAN), Dr. Peter Okpere, says that the situation with farmers in the state is very bad.
“There was nothing like flag-off for the new planting season this year. This has never happened. We know that previous governments in the state did not concern themselves with the issue of agriculture, but we had hoped for something better from this government. What we are seeing now does not give us much hope,” he laments.

The Coordinator of AFAN in Edo North, Dr. Abdulahi Mohammed, says the state government is not giving the needed attention to the agricultural sector.
“The government does not even seem to recognise AFAN as a body,” he laments, stressing that the less than one per cent allocation to agriculture in the current budget does not hold promise for the desire to attain self sufficiency in food production.
“How do they even hope to create the needed employment they talk about through the sector if the funding continues like this? Everything is just wrong with the way government is taking the issue of agriculture. Apart from the counterpart fund for the Root and Tuber Expansion Programme (RTEP), which the government paid last year, no other counterpart fund has been paid,” he stressed.
Obviously agitated, Mohammed continued: “The Fadama III project, which has fully taken off in other states has yet to start in Edo. In fact, farmers and Edo State are missing out in the chance to tap into about N800 million because of the government’s failure to pay its counterpart fund of about N200 million.”

Mohammed further wants the state government to fulfill its promise of providing 73 tractors and fertilisers for use by farmers in the state.
However, Lakoju rose to the defence of government, saying that there is no iota of truth in the allegation that the Oshiomhole-led government is neglecting the agricultural sector. He debunks claims that the government does not recognise AFAN.
“They are the bedrock of our operation. The only reason why we are here is the farmers. If we do not recognize them, who else are we going to recognize? What the government has been doing in the past one year is to concentrate its little resources on critical areas like road construction and rehabilitation, as well as education.

“Unlike what obtained in the past, we do not want to distribute thin allocation to every sector and achieve nothing significant at the end of the day. We chose areas of immediate priority,” he says.
He continued: “We quite agree with the farmers that time is running out but it is no fault of ours that there are no fertilizers. There are problems to be sorted out with the federal government regarding fertiliser acquisition.
“I agree that the budget for agriculture in the current year is about one per cent but as soon as the issue of funds improves, more budgetary provisions will be made for the sector.

“Government cannot joke with the payment of counterpart funding since such payment helps to attract more funds. We have six programmes, including Fadama III project, that are counterpart-funded and we have put up a memo to that effect.”
Lakoju appealed to farmers in the state to remain calm and resolute, as government is duty-bound to change the fortune of all operators in the sector.
“It is the only way we can produce food for our people, as well as raise internally generated revenue. We are targeting the creation of employment opportunities through agriculture,” he assures.
For Mr. Paul Omoruvi, an agriculturist, many things need to be done if government intends to truly boost agriculture to the level it is in states like Kwara and Benue. He believes that Edo State already has the human capacity and the fertile land required for good agricultural engagement to create employment and ensure food security.

Omoruyi advises that any available fertilizers must not be entrusted to politicians, who in the past subverted their distribution to the genuine farmers.
“They should be evenly distributed around the state. Farm input shops should be available as well as communal farms. Seminars and capacity building should be embedded in the communal farm programme,” he said.
Sounding optimistic, Lakoju assured farmers in the state that they will have cause to smile very soon, as the government has launched into agricultural mapping of the state.

“The blueprint for agriculture is tailored on the vision of the governor, which is to eradicate poverty, create employment opportunities and use same a basis for revenue generation,” he says.
Agricultural economists share the optimism of Lakoju but insist that promises by government must go beyond mere words, so as to boost food availability in the country.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A New Era Is Dawn

The farmers in Edo state has resolved that in this 2011 henceforth, they will never allow anyone, group or organization to trample on their right as the food producers of the State. It becomes very important to take this decision because Edo farmers have been treated so badly for a very long time.

To facilitate the authentication of the Edo State Co-operative Farmers Agency, all farmers’ co-operative societies in all affiliate Local Government in Edo State must be registered as the local government Union representing the Local Government area in the state level.

For instance; a local government may register like this. (Ovia North East Local Government Area Farmers Co-operative Union)
The local government farmers co-operative Union is expected to oversee the affairs of all affiliate farmers group in the local government area. Why representatives from the union are expected to make the executives of the State Farmers Agency. Who will in turn defend the right of Edo farmers before any relevant groups, organizations, associations’ locally or internationally.


Someone happily equipped himself and went to the computer market to purchase picture design software. He has just bought a new computer system with all its functions perfectly o.k., he loaded some beautiful pictures he has just taken with old friends, which he might not be able to see again, into the new computer.

He wanted to design the picture for more beautiful view and to add effect to the beauty. Hence he went to the computer market.
Getting the software, he loaded it into the computer system and started to design his work with beautiful effect.

He has finished the design work and is admiring the good work he has just done. The material is now ready for printing. He called some of the friends in the picture and told them that in few minutes-times, they will be seeing their beautiful self in their computer screen in front of them, as they were expected to receive their copies via email.

As he hung the phone, one of the friends, who is living very close, just bounce in with anxiety. he was ask how he find the work?
The friend response was W.H.A.O I want to get a copy of this. He brought out a beautiful small pin from his pocket. It was a flash player. Please let me just get the work in my flash before you print. He collected the flash and plugs it in.

The next message he sees in the screen of the computer was “a virus has just been detected”. To protect your computer from damage, delete any work that might be running and close the program. as he deletes the program the next message was ‘click restart’.

The computer went off and restarted. But when it opened, both the original pictures loaded in the computer, and the completed redesigned work was gone. A virus has just attack the computer and a beautiful finished work has been affected.

Someone has just finished the construction of a very decent building. A carpenter was called and told to recommend a solid roofing poly; a very good typed of wood was recommended bought and used for the work what you see was a very fine house in front of you.
Few mouths later, there was dust all over the ceiling, it was later detected that the roofing wood used is dusty. A virus has just been affected the wood.
Somewhere close to your house, merriment was taken place, a child has just been born; a bouncing baby boy. The child grew up as a very handsome and responsible child. But because of the friends he associates himself with; he becomes a virus in the family.

Likewise a government was voted into power with good intentions to do well for his people and make life worth living for them. All programs have been setup. Workers were employed and it is now time to implement government policies set out to alleviate the people’s poverty.
In one of the ministries money was set out to be given to some group of people to boost their various endeavors. The man in that forefront, connive with some people and cart away the money meant to assist the people. The money has successfully been carted away. This is a virus attack.
The different scenario that has been highlighted here are similar. Although the events are different, but one common thing is that they were all suffering from a virus attack.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Prosatelink as the name implies, is a link which takes you on tour around the globe via-internet. In Prosatelink, you will find information’s that address the issues of our culture as it relates to Agriculture, Human affairs, Emotion and affection. You can also find the privilege to make real friends in the page Prosatel as a designer and venturer, believes in reaching the people with what they need at the appropriate time. Because we believe in the spirit of partnership and togetherness, we give all visitors to the site, the opportunity to be a contributor for this site. We have various kinds of artwork in our showroom that you can choose from. To become the original owner of any of the works in the showroom, scroll to the left side of the page and click SHOWROOM. Write the name of the product you need and send your request to the webmaster who will reach you through the email you have provided. You will be informed on how to collect your request.