Saturday, May 14, 2011

A New Era Is Dawn

The farmers in Edo state has resolved that in this 2011 henceforth, they will never allow anyone, group or organization to trample on their right as the food producers of the State. It becomes very important to take this decision because Edo farmers have been treated so badly for a very long time.

To facilitate the authentication of the Edo State Co-operative Farmers Agency, all farmers’ co-operative societies in all affiliate Local Government in Edo State must be registered as the local government Union representing the Local Government area in the state level.

For instance; a local government may register like this. (Ovia North East Local Government Area Farmers Co-operative Union)
The local government farmers co-operative Union is expected to oversee the affairs of all affiliate farmers group in the local government area. Why representatives from the union are expected to make the executives of the State Farmers Agency. Who will in turn defend the right of Edo farmers before any relevant groups, organizations, associations’ locally or internationally.

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