Saturday, May 29, 2010



WHEN CO-OPERATIVES ARE ENCOURAGED AND EFFICIENTLY OPERATED, THEY COULD TAKE CARE OF MOST OF THE NEEDS OF THEIR MEMBERS/PATRONS-DONORS AND IN THE PROCESS, COULD EVEN TAKE CARE OF THE NEEDS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC. TYHERE ARE PRODUCTIVE CO-OPERTATIVE IN ALL THE BRANCHES OF AGRICULTURE (Crops, live stocks, fisheries, forestry), the inputs supply and distribution, the marketing of agricultural produce and other essential commodities. The all important financial needs of large numbers of small scale producers and non agricultural small-scale industrial sectors are easily provided through co-operative thrift and credit operations. The co-operative movement presents one of the most potent means of capital accumulation through saving by members.

b. Co-operative Society therefore play a pivotal role in the task of nation building and general development. Hence, given the required assistance, in order to help the small scale producers in the society, and to help build the economic activities of our country and our members country. Co-operators need to be empowered through an effective co-operative policy that creates an enabling environment for them to operate profitably.

c. The vision for Nigerian Co-operative sector is to promote the members entrepreneurial capacities so that they can generate adequate surpluses for themselves and create opportunities for economic progress for the public. In this way, greater employment opportunities and improving the general welfare of Nigerians and other partner countries.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Hurdles We Face;

A group has been formed and certified by the government to operate freely in the State and the Nation. What is next now is to manage both the office and the people. But this is not an easy task for the executives of this great association. Despite the fact that the body was not having any money after spending much for the inauguration, to now assist people coming to request for loan from this Society, yet the executives need to be bold enough to face the circumstance. Although at this time the Society was not having enough to meet the need of the people, still the onlooker were still interested in becoming member of the group. Because of the focus and determination visible among its members.

Under the instigation of the then president who did not want to work within the rules and regulation of the body, he decided to take others along with him in his rebel. This led to the abandoning of the Society’s meetings.

Who were now left as members of the Gofta group?

The only members left, becomes the founder/initiator with his family. These only now make up the Gofta multi-purpose co-operative Society limited. Fortunately for Gofta, the deadly seal of draw back was broken by Jehovah whose name the Society make to be a basic part of it; as new members started to Troup in even some among the old members who acted in ignorance also came back to pay their outstanding dues and continue as member of the Gofta world groups limited.

Preparing Your Own Compost

First of all, forget about those untidy heaps of garden refuse, where you used to dump, year after year, all the leaves, grass clippings, straw, old hay, and weeds and which were likely to sprawl out of control. When kitchen debris was added to such a heap, an obnoxious odor used to be unavoidable, as any gardening sage well knows. To solve this problem, you need a proper compost bin. The idea is to produce in your garden the amazing natural process described above. It is the same process that recycles dead organic matter that accumulates on every forest floor, and it has been going on for thousands of years. As usual, God did it first, when he created green land plants that eventually died and initiated the composting process to recycle the needed chemicals for reuse

A bin is preferable for composting, since it holds the material together and allows for better ventilation, which increases the efficiency of the decomposition process. Gaps or holes should be made in the sides of the bin to allow entry of the oxygen needed for the bacteria. Also, the dampness should be controlled. The bin should be elevated from the ground, and the right location chosen. The composting process does not work well if exposed all day to the full force of the sun, yet neither does it thrive in total shade.

The composting mixture itself may be thought of as a many-tiered sandwich: one layer of garden debris, one layer of soil, one layer of household waste, with this composition repeated until you have a pile some four or five feet [1.2 to 1.5 m] high. Finally, the completed stack might be covered with sod or similar material.

After two years you will have very good humus and the gardener’s best friends—lots of earthworms. They will work tirelessly to break up and oxygenate the topsoil of your garden. The composting process can be accelerated by turning the pile over every once in a while or by adding products to hasten decay, such as small quantities of manure. With a properly constructed bin and the right mixture of materials, the decomposition process can be speeded up until the compost is ready for use after only three or four months instead of two years.

And remember, the compost needs to breathe, so adequate ventilation, with the right humidity, will reduce the mixture to the mulch so delectable to your plants. When you spread it on the topsoil, the table is set, and the feast for your flowers and vegetables can begin. Give your garden such a treat, and it will reward you with a bountiful harvest of beauty for your eyes and taste delights for your palate.

Types of recycling appreciated

The worm’s remarkable recycling powers are being harnessed by the waste-disposal industries. One company in Australia makes use of a total of 500 million worms in several waste-processing plants. The worms are housed in specially designed beds and are served a menu of either pig manure or human waste mixed with shredded wastepaper and other organic matter. These worms consume between 50 and 100 percent of their own body weight each day and produce a nutrient-rich plant food that is marketed widely.

Studies have revealed another possible use for worms—as a source of food. Worms contain the same beneficial amino acids as beef. On a dry weight basis, they are packed with 60 percent protein and 10 percent fat and contain calcium and phosphorus. Already, in some lands, people eat earthworm pies. In other parts of the world, they fry earthworms and even eat them raw.

While worms may never become the most popular animals in the world, the world would certainly be a different place without them. So the next time you admire a tranquil country scene, spare a thought for the army of earthworms that are beneath your feet, busily plowing, fertilizing, and maintaining that beautiful view.

Preparing the soil for planting

Natural Farming Encouraged

“ The National Academy of Sciences has found that farmers who apply little or no chemicals to crops can be as productive as those who use pesticides and synthetic fertilizers,” reports The New York Times. “The study by the nation’s pre-eminent body of scientists is perhaps the most important confirmation of the success of agricultural practices that use biological interactions instead of chemicals.” Until recently, farmers had been taught to use generous amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce the largest output of crops, and natural farming methods were considered inferior. But as insects and weeds developed resistance to the chemicals, farmers made greater use of chemicals, thereby increasing the danger to human health. The study showed that by rotating crops and by using a diversified crop and livestock system, farmers were often able to increase their yields and reduce costs, as well as preserve the environment. However, the natural practices did take more work.


Gofta has intelligent and prosperous farmers to her credit. When the issue of farming is discussed, Gofta must be mentioned.

The need for Gofta farmers to promote the development of the green gold (Cassava) was born out of the sentiment they have for their brothers and sisters who cannot get this product with ease.

The financial profit this group will make from the produce derived from their farm is not their basic concern, rather; their basic interest is to do their best to make many people go into the cultivation of the crop and also to do their best to meet up with the requirement of the people. Therefore, we request government at various levels to do their utmost to assist the Gofta group to succeed in their determination to make food available to many.

Apart from the government, gofta farms management also want to use this medium to advice all groups, organizations or individuals both at home and abroad to see that their interest in this matter, count. Therefore, they should support this move embarked upon by Gofta world groups to do her best in making food available for all. Mostly now that the world is experiencing “global food shortage”.

It has become imperatively clear that only the Agricultural sector of any economy can keep all nations standing.