Monday, May 24, 2010

Preparing the soil for planting

Natural Farming Encouraged

“ The National Academy of Sciences has found that farmers who apply little or no chemicals to crops can be as productive as those who use pesticides and synthetic fertilizers,” reports The New York Times. “The study by the nation’s pre-eminent body of scientists is perhaps the most important confirmation of the success of agricultural practices that use biological interactions instead of chemicals.” Until recently, farmers had been taught to use generous amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce the largest output of crops, and natural farming methods were considered inferior. But as insects and weeds developed resistance to the chemicals, farmers made greater use of chemicals, thereby increasing the danger to human health. The study showed that by rotating crops and by using a diversified crop and livestock system, farmers were often able to increase their yields and reduce costs, as well as preserve the environment. However, the natural practices did take more work.

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