Thursday, May 12, 2011

Good Management Affects Business Success

We have always been writing about what should be done to enhance quick growth in an organization. The reason we are mostly concerned about growth in most of our write-up is because it’s an issues that is not directed towards a particular institution, but for the benefit of all.

Gofta World Group as a conglomerate of different organized institutions, we stress more on good managerial structures in order to enhance rapid success in the conglomerate.
Some points gathered so far that can cause draw back for any group/organization, can be traced to the skill and professionalism displayed by members of the association/organization.

To succeed in the venture of managing a corporate organization therefore, the points outlined must be very well understood and taken to heart.
Let’s see how well we can examine these together for better understanding.

Some of the structures we are talking about here are the lay down rules and regulations, in the constitution and the Bye-Laws of such organization.
They were prepared to assist the group(s) for better growth and to enhance good management of such body.

For instance; in the Gofta Bye-Laws section 47(1) states that all members of the Society must pay a stipulated amount of money as thrift, which will be used to for productive project for the group. But because the members are not conversant with such book(s) or maybe he/she does not have the habit of reading, it becomes a problem for such ones to realize the damage he/she is causing the Society; because the person is promulgating what he don’t know about the group.
Such books like the Society’s’ Bye-Law, constitution, regulation, the Society’s Guide Book, and other related informative materials prepared by the group to update its members, is supposed to be purchased by every registered members of the Society* at the point of registration.

Many registered members of most co-operative Societies do not actually understand what co-operative Society actually is. That is why most times, when people want to join one, they believe that registering as a member will certify them to benefit from the group. Unfortunately they consider themselves disappointed when after joining; money is not given to them immediately#, they feel the executives of such co-operative Societies are hoodwinkers. Hence, they stop attending meetings as well as paying their dues.
Is this what co-operative Society is all about? No is the answer because no one will expect to reap where he did not sow.

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